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Black belt is for life - choose the best quality, choose the tradition, use a Japanese handmade belt. 

Customize it according to your needs - choose the material, the length, the width, the label on it, get your name/style/dojo/sensei's name etc. embroidered on it in the color you want. You tell, we deliver.

After receiving your only task is to fill it with meaning.

We custom fit the WAY - but YOU have to walk it.

Black Belt - Cotton

  • If you don't have any special requests/no embroideries needed, just write no changes in that section.


    You can choose to get your belt with embroideries on 1-4 sides. We use gold by default, but you can choose your own color from our list (see the picture above) - do not forget to write it in the right color if you'd like to change it. We do the transcription/translation for you, so your name would be pronounced the closest to its original form by Japanese people. If you chose to get your belt with embroideries, you need to write the text(s) in that section as follows: 

    1 - name

    2 - style or association (e.g. Japan Karate Association)

    3 - special (e.g. Bushido)

    4 - dojo name 

    You can see how it'll look at the pictures section above.

    We'll embroider it with katakana-s and kanji-s on the uniform. You can write katakana or kanji yourself, then we'll use your version of course. If you do not write your text in there, your belt will come without embroideries.